Monday, August 29, 2016

Wisdom and Patience

In the previous post I referred to Jesus' ideology's on how to treat, act, and think of the universe. This post I would like to explain why I have had such a huge shift in the way I treat other people and my general outlook on life because of this. I Am Enough, something I feel I would like to remember my entire life. I was created in the mind of something more kind. Meaning I can show compassion for my heart and soul because of my knowledge that I was created in the image of pure light and love. What a great feeling. I don't know who the deity is, or even if I was created after millions of years of slight changes through survival of the fittest. Either way, love helps me become closer to those feelings of happiness and understanding.

One of my favorite, if not favorite, songs from my current favorite cartoon Steven Universe
is Here Comes a Thought. Take a Listen!

Explaining to children how to just let love in and meditate about how there is someone or something out there to help you every second of every day.